Thursday, February 7, 2008

mimo777 VRs cena121212! Part 2

mimo777 is Innocent. some body faked his name with out his permission so after all mimos cool!

here's the complete story. well at first i was just checking every ones wep-site (not to copy) to see whats going on with all my friends and i used to go to ceana12121 site but then i left when i found pochoma123s site. well i decited to visit again and check the comments when i saw one of mimo 777 comments. it said they were going to shut down cean12121 site for no reason and a lawyer was going to send a letter to there cena's parents. i thought this was serious and i wasnt going to stand for it so i commented, e-mailed and did post to get to the bottom of this. ceana was grate full for all my work. i did not no, if it was real because it did not have a link but it was very very well written. it seemed very serious and i did not no how old mimo777 was but then i went to his site and saw he was only 12 years old like me. so i knew he couldn't have a lawyer. so then i checked my e-mail address and saw that miomo had written back to me saying people were yousing his name without his permission. so that concludes the story of mimo777 and ceana121212.

mimo777 is a cool penguin.


Cena12121 said...
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Liquid Chrome Productions said...

what are you sure

Cena12121 said...

Yea. Please tell me exactly what he told you.

Liquid Chrome Productions said...

he told me that he never tried to shut down your wep-site. that some body used hid name without his permision i cant believe he lied to me just so he could have more pople visit his wep-site like he doesent have enough already.

Anonymous said...

this is horrible i thought mimo was a good guy! he's the one who gives me all the clubpenguin cheats for me! :-(

Liquid Chrome Productions said...

i just dont no marrykate i just dont know