Saturday, April 12, 2008

new pin

a new pin came out its a pyramid. its at the book room on a table. it goes along with the play. so check it out.

new play

a new play came out its called Quest for the Golden Puffle! its realy cool it one of my favorites. theres cool items like the rope if you dance you spin it (as seen in pic) to veiw the catolog click here
wow that was a quicker post

they changed the paprer

they changed the paper on rockhoppers door. at first it talks about how rockhopper has a key to the door and how he still must have the key whit him. but now the paper talks about the fire work gadget. i guess the did not want to give away to much information on the key.

theres a new book

theres a new book in the book room its rockhoppers journal check it out.

Friday, April 11, 2008

in the news paper there is a secret message to read it: 1. click on Gs pocket 2nd make all the puffles gray. 3rd the puffles are gray. 4th read the message. it talks about the new mission and the polar bear will be back. there's also a game where you build rockhoppers ship its easy. on April ll the new pin comes out and rockhoppers journal and a new play.

does any body actually look at this or am i wasting my time. this took me a hour

rockhoppers ship 2

rockhoperes ship is now clean and you can go to the basement now. on the door its says we have to find some sort of key to get in the room. on the beach you can shoot fire works up into the sky and the whole room turns pink. they are so we can contact rockhoper and tell him to come back.

i wonder where the key is . is says its still with rockhopper

Wednesday, April 9, 2008

sneak peek of the new mission and rare beta tester item

a new mission is coming out there is a penguin holding a chunk of wood and a lot of snow balls being thrown at him. i think this is going to be the mission where the polar bear burns down the lodge, that might be why the penguin is holding a chunk of wood. the mission should come out at the end of April. this pic is form the club penguin site.
on the cipi blog billybob talks about launching the new servers on club penguin. on club penguin test you cant log in simply because testing is over. billybob is planing to give ever one who helped a super rare beta item. there going to send using a new feature there making. (the item wont be here for awhile). i wounder what the new feature is going to be. on the top it shows a sneak peek of what the new and improved club penguin will look like. cant wait for the beta item.

Sunday, April 6, 2008

a whole lot of money $500,200

that's a lot of money and i owe it all to speek to me my best friend. speek to me has a special program that gives you a whole bunch of money real fast. it is a hack but for this much money i don't mind. ask speek to me if you would like to make a lot of money too. i will show you what i do with all my money later. me and speek to me are going to become famous. thanks speek to me your the best.

new catalog

a new catalog came out i was right about the tie. well lets find the hidden items:
1. for the green snorkel click on the small bubble by the green flippers.
2. for the cheese tie click on the penguin who's holding the ties teeth.
that's the hidden items. thanks pochoma for the pic.
sorry for being late

aqua grabber

aqua grabber has new levels its really hard. i would not suggest doing it for money. if you finish you get no pin. well any ways here's how to do it. if you go straight down from the clam he falls asleep then you grab the pearl. if you go straight down you will find the treasure chest then bring it back to the net be careful for the fish.
sorry for posting late