Wednesday, April 9, 2008

sneak peek of the new mission and rare beta tester item

a new mission is coming out there is a penguin holding a chunk of wood and a lot of snow balls being thrown at him. i think this is going to be the mission where the polar bear burns down the lodge, that might be why the penguin is holding a chunk of wood. the mission should come out at the end of April. this pic is form the club penguin site.
on the cipi blog billybob talks about launching the new servers on club penguin. on club penguin test you cant log in simply because testing is over. billybob is planing to give ever one who helped a super rare beta item. there going to send using a new feature there making. (the item wont be here for awhile). i wounder what the new feature is going to be. on the top it shows a sneak peek of what the new and improved club penguin will look like. cant wait for the beta item.


Speek said...

it would be awesome if it were the beta testing hat!

Anonymous said...

you have a really nice blog :D
please check mine out too :D

-chuckleloo, Club Penguin Society

Liquid Chrome Productions said...

that would be cool, nice site chuckleloo