Wednesday, April 2, 2008

under new managment

under new managment, (no just kiding) but team galaxy is going to better then ever heres a list of new changes were goin to have!

1. there will be more updates

2. More posts

3. A club penguin galaxy army is soon to come (thats what the pic on the top, is thats a hint)

4. a youtube tv series will come out where every ones a star.

as if thats not enough i made some Scrath vidios. so check them out they the both have my favorite song, music space. the first one is about dancen penguin, and the second one is a club penguin game. its so cool. well heres the web adresses

here are the codes well i hope you injoy the new and inproved Galaxy of Club Penguin
sincerly jimy 0123


Speek said...

hey Jimy 0123 i posted ur sites improvements on my site i can't wait for them

I hope u can see wats happening on my site

look to see for ur self

Connor DeBlieck said...

Jimy can i be a admiral in your army, and your videos are cool.

P.s. your improvement sounds fun.

Connor DeBlieck said...

speak is that really the ice burg because your pic looks awesome!!!

Liquid Chrome Productions said...

thax speek to me your the best

sure i will make you admiral

and thanx those vidios took forever

Connor DeBlieck said...

thank you Jimy